en Michoacán
Located an hour and a quarter from Mexico City and an hour and a half from Morelia. It is a mining town of colonial architecture that includes in its natural environment the sanctuaries of the monarch butterfly, located within the biosphere reserve and named a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

The Angangueo mountain range also serves as a refuge for millions of butterflies that travel from Canada and the United States every year, this is where they reproduce and in the spring they begin their return north. You can witness this natural spectacle that takes place between October and March.

Texto de: Eli Montero. (2014). 8 Pueblos Mágicos para visitar en Michoacán. abril 15,2022, de mexicodestinos.com Sitio web: https://www.mexicodestinos.com/blog/8-pueblos-magicos-para-visitar-en-michoacan/.
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