en Michoacán


It is known as the city of the jacarandas, it is located 208 kilometers from Morelia and 524 from Mexico City. From the Casa de Piedra library it is possible to enjoy a magnificent panoramic view of the city and its characteristic trees because it is located on top of a small hill.

Other attractions in Jiquilpan are the Temple of the Sacred Heart, here you will find a mural painted by a disciple of José Clemente Orozco. Part of the history of this town is exhibited in the rooms of the museum installed in the Lázaro Cárdenas Center for Historical Studies of the Mexican Revolution.

Texto de: Eli Montero. (2014). 8 Pueblos Mágicos para visitar en Michoacán. abril 15,2022, de mexicodestinos.com Sitio web: https://www.mexicodestinos.com/blog/8-pueblos-magicos-para-visitar-en-michoacan/


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